Algona CSD will be two hours late today, March 26th.
10 months ago, Algona Community School District
Reminder! There will be no classes held at ACSD from March 27-April 1. Classes resume April 2nd. Enjoy your break!
10 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Spring Break
Here are the numbers to call when your student needs to be absent- Bertha Godfrey Elementary..................(515) 295-3586 Bryant Elementary.................................(515) 295-7773 Lucia Wallace Elementary.....................(515) 295-7296 Algona Middle School..........................(515) 295-7207 Algona High School..............................(515) 295-7207
10 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
ACSD is hiring elementary teachers! Follow the link to learn more or apply! Contact Mrs. Schutjer for more information. **While you're there, check out other positions also available!
10 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Hiring Teachers
Happy birthday to our 2nd Grade February/June Birthdays!
11 months ago, Rachel Arnold
Friday, March 1st is Maintenance Worker Appreciation Day! A huge thank you to Jeff Gisch and crew for the work they do all year round for our teachers, students and community!
11 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Maintenance Apprec Day
Let's give a BIG round of applause for these February BULLDOG HEROES!!!! These students were selected by their classroom teachers because they are showing all the qualities of RISE. Respect, Integrity, Students First and Excellence. Way to go Bulldogs!
11 months ago, Rachel Arnold
Reminder- P/T Conferences are this week. We also have a 1 hour early dismissal on Tuesday & Thursday and no school on Friday, March 1st.
11 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up next week! Sign up for elementary conferences can be found at
11 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Winter Conferences
Required posting of Tax Notice- PDF-
11 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Tax Notice
Required posting of Tax Notice- PDF-
11 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Tax Notice
Algona students will have the opportunity to hear an inspiring message from the Grammy nominated artist Saul Paul on Feb. 15. Teaser Video-
11 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Saul Paul
This week is National School Counseling Week and we at ACSD would like to recognize and thank our fabulous counseling team! Thank you for your service to our students and for the work you do every day!
11 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
School Counseling Week
The Algona High School girls state wrestling orders can be picked up tonight from 7-8pm in the Algona High School Commons! Can't make it? Stop in the high school office tomorrow from 7:45am - 3:45pm. Good luck to our lady wrestlers!
11 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
The Menus & Nutrition page on our website has been updated with live links to menus for each building. You can also download the Taher Food4Life app on your phone! Watch this video to help guide you through the process-
11 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Taher app
The Algona Community School is currently accepting enrollment for 3 and 4 year old Preschool for the fall of 2024. Registration forms can be found on the Bertha Godfrey page or are included in the pdf. PDF-
12 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Preschool Registration
Happy Birthday to our January Birthdays!!!
12 months ago, Rachel Arnold
1st grade January Birthdays
2nd grade january birthdays
Let's all give a CONGRATULATIONS to these Bulldog Heroes! These students were selected by their classroom teacher because they are following the RISE way. Respectful to others, showing Integrity, putting Students First and striving for Excellence in the classroom. Keep up the good work Bulldogs!
12 months ago, Rachel Arnold
1st grade
2nd grade
Please come out and join us tomorrow night for Elementary Spirit Night for wrestling!! Spirit gear will be handed out at 5:30 and a line-up will begin at 5:45 to high five our wrestlers! Come help us cheer on our Bulldogs! 🐾
12 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Paw Club
Lunch update- tomorrow's (Jan. 23) lunch for Bertha, Bryant and Lucia will be Spaghetti and Meatballs and not Chicken Tacos. The MS/HS will still have Chicken Tacos.
12 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Lunch Update