Congratulations Algona grads! Good Luck in your future endeavors! #GoBulldogs #Algona
8 months ago, Karen Sankey
Congratulations to Opie Wiita on receiving 1st place in the poster contest! #GoBulldogs
8 months ago, Karen Sankey
Congratulations, Opie Wiita!!
Do these look familiar to anyone? They have been sitting alongside the fence on the North side of Bertha Godfrey for a couple days now.
8 months ago, Devon Curry
ACSD has been approved for a Summer Food Service Program for the month of June! Meals will be FREE for students. Find out more by viewing the images or links provided. Flyer- Spanish-
8 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Summer Food Service Program
Summer Food Service Program
Summer Food Service Program
May is Mental Health Awareness Month! Check out these tshirts & hoodies that have been designed by a student at AMS and are available for purchase through Threads! Orders due Friday!!
8 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Students from Bertha Godfrey had the opportunity to visit the middle school recently to see what the AMS students were learning about robotics! They learned a lot and had a ton of fun! Click the link to see photos-
8 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Since 1972, National School Nurse Day has been set aside to recognize school nurses. National School Nurse Day was established to foster a better understanding of the role of school nurses in the educational setting. Thank you to our team for the work they do for our students!
8 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
School Nurse Day
Congratulations to our Bulldog Heroes! They enjoyed Pizza Ranch today! #RISE #GoBulldogs
8 months ago, Brad Sudol
Congratulations to these Bulldog Heroes!!! These students were selected by their classroom teachers because they are following the RISE way. Respect, Integrity, Students First and Excellence. Keep up the good work Bulldogs!
8 months ago, Rachel Arnold
m ay
Last week Friday was School Lunch Hero Day! The ACSD would like to thank all of our food service staff for the outstanding job they do each and every day to provide our students with the nourishment they need to be healthy and successful! You are truly heroes to our kids!
8 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
School Lunch Hero Day
School Lunch Hero Day
School Lunch Hero Day
School Lunch Hero Day
School Lunch Hero Day
School Lunch Hero Day
School Lunch Hero Day
School Lunch Hero Day
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and each day we’d like to highlight a different building of teachers. Today we’d like to thank the teachers at Bertha Godfrey for working hard to get our students started on the right path! Thank you!
8 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Teacher Appreciation Week
Every Tuesday in Kindergarten has become "Try Something New Tuesday" where different specials teachers come in and do different things with the students. Mrs. Curry has been focusing on Science and has been doing some fun experiments! During their weather unit they made Shaving Cream Rain Clouds and Blizzards in a Jar. Then around Earth Day each class made Earth Day Seed Bombs and 3 groups have been able to get them planted! Check out Facebook for a ton more pictures of all the fun!!
9 months ago, Devon Curry
Planting Earth Day Seed Bombs
Blizzard in a Jar
Blizzard in a Jar
Shaving Cream Rain Clouds
Shaving Cream Rain Clouds
Happy Birthday to our April birthdays! We also got to celebrate our lunchroom helper, Amy, and her April birthday as well! #GoBulldogs #RISE #HappyBirthday
9 months ago, Devon Curry
Amy's April Birthday
Kindergarten April Birthdays
Registration is now open at for Kprep and Kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year.
9 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
K-Kprep registration
Age Requirements
Age requirements
The last day of 3 & 4 year old preschool is May 17 and the last day of Kindergarten Prep is May 20!
9 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Last Day PS
Last Day PS
Last Day Kprep
Last Day Kprep
On April 18, all students at ACSD were able to attend an assembly with Grammy winning artist, SaulPaul. Please enjoy this recap video of his visit!
9 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
video feature
Come join Mr. Sudol, Mrs. Schutjer and elementary teachers TONIGHT (4/29) as they serve McDonald's to support Algona elementaries. The elementary schools will receive 15% of proceeds from sales that evening!
9 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
McTeachers Night
You're invited to the Fieldhouse Groundbreaking ceremony on May 1st at noon at the project site (former softball field). We hope to see you there!
9 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Fieldhouse Groundbreaking
The glasses pictured were recently left on Bus 24. If they are yours, please contact Bryant Elementary.
9 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
There is still time to order from the Bulldog Paw club’s Spring Fundraiser! All order forms are due April 29, 2024. Please return order forms to the school’s main office. If you have any questions, please contact Jackie at View PDF-
9 months ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Booster Club Order
Booster Club Order