With the arrival of colder weather, we want to remind all parents that children need to be dressed warm for school. They need to wear a heavy coat, have something warm to wear on their head and also a warm pair of gloves or mittens. Boots and snow pants will also be needed for outside play when we have extremely cold weather, snow, and ice. Please make sure that all clothing is marked with the child's name.Children are also reminded to put shoes in their book bag to wear while at school. Make sure that your children are dressed for the varied weather conditions. The health of the children is very important. We thank you for your cooperation.
about 3 years ago, Karen Sankey
This week is School Bus Safety week! Today all the students got a chance to go out to a bus and talk to a driver. They learned bus rules, the importance of the stop arm/signs, and how to exit in the case of an emergency! If you see a bus driver, be sure to thank them!!
about 3 years ago, Devon Curry
Preschool students on the bus
Preschool students on the bus
Preschool student with a seat belt on
Stop signs on a bus
This week is School Bus Safety week! Today all the students got a chance to go out to a bus and talk to a driver. They learned bus rules, the importance of the stop arm/signs, and how to exit in the case of an emergency! If you see a bus driver, be sure to thank them!!
about 3 years ago, Devon Curry
Kindergaten students
Kindergarten students on the bus
Kindergarten students exiting the bus
Kindergarten students on the bus
Conference sign up is now live! Click on the link to sign up for your child’s conference. http://www.myconferencetime.com/algona/
about 3 years ago, Karen Sankey
Thank you to the Algona High School cheerleaders for organizing the cheer clinic last week! The Kindergarten girls continued to practice throughout the week during recess and it was so fun to watch them perform Friday night before the Varsity football game.
about 3 years ago, Devon Curry
Cheer Clinic
Kindergarten girls at recess
Congratulations to our Bulldog Heroes for showing respect! They enjoyed a meal out at Pizza Ranch today! #RISE #GoBulldogs
about 3 years ago, Brad Sudol
Congratulations to our Bulldog Heroes for showing respect! They enjoyed a meal out at Pizza Ranch today! #RISE #GoBulldogs
about 3 years ago, Brad Sudol
Congratulations to our Bulldog Heroes for showing respect! They enjoyed a meal out at Pizza Ranch today! #RISE #GoBulldogs
about 3 years ago, Brad Sudol
Congratulations to our Bulldog Heroes for showing respect! They enjoyed a meal out at Pizza Ranch today! #RISE #GoBulldogs
about 3 years ago, Brad Sudol
Congratulations to our Bulldog Heroes for showing respect! They enjoyed a meal out at Pizza Ranch today! #RISE #GoBulldogs
about 3 years ago, Brad Sudol
Congratulations to these Bulldog Heroes! #RISE#GoBulldogs
about 3 years ago, Devon Curry
October Bulldog Heroes
The Kindergarten students had a great time at Call Park today! They got to learn about bats and leaves, take a hike on a trail, and read books with Mrs. Vaske! Thank you to our friends Billie Wille and Julie Fosado! Be sure to check out our Facebook page for more pictures!
about 3 years ago, Devon Curry
Mrs. DePue's class on a trail at Call Park
Parents and Community Members, Our school district has requested a Needs Assessment Survey conducted by the Iowa Association of School Boards (IASB). The survey is designed to help us assess our strengths and areas of needed improvement, with a focus on improved student achievement. We would like your opinions and judgments in response to the brief survey linked below. The survey takes an average of 9 minutes to complete. All responses are anonymous. Just click the link below, or paste it in your browser and follow the instructions. Thank you for your participation and helping to make improvements for our students. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=IqR8Jmu_JUu0Y_DP1aktTgS2bbSC8AhAlDJHL13b73BUQkxNTkNINThIR05EQlM1RklZNjFNV1JaNi4u
about 3 years ago, Algona Community School District
Dear Parent/Guardian(s): This month, our school wide theme is skills for learning: listening, focusing attention, using self-talk to stay on-task, and being assertive when asking for help with a learning task. In our morning announcements, we’ll be reminding students of these skills, which help students be successful learners. Please tell your child’s teacher if you’d like more suggestions about supporting skills for learning at home. Yours in Education, Mr. Sudol
about 3 years ago, Karen Sankey
Check out this fun community event!
over 3 years ago, Devon Curry
Costume parade flyer
Happy birthday to our kindergarten October birthdays! #RISE #GoBldogs
over 3 years ago, Brad Sudol
Happy Billy Day! National Custodian Appreciation Day is October 2nd. So today, we are celebrating Billy. Our school wouldn't run the way it does without him. We can't thank Billy enough for everything he does not only to keep things running, but also for the children!
over 3 years ago, Devon Curry
More fun from our fire department visitors!
over 3 years ago, Devon Curry
Mrs. Wiita's class looking at the fire truck
Fire fighter
Mrs. Wiita's class listening to the fire fighters
Mrs.  DePue's class with the fire truck
Join us for a Moonlight Movie on Saturday, October 9th.
over 3 years ago, Brad Sudol
Mrs. Goodman introduced her students to a book on RECORD on Friday! They got to learn what a record looks like, how a record player works, and then learn about Johnny Appleseed! They also got to see different sizes of records with a fun record of Halloween songs!
over 3 years ago, Devon Curry
Prep listening to a record