Congratulations on the Scarlet Regiment Marching Band on a 1st Place finish in class 3A this weekend! View PDF-
over 2 years ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
The Kindergarten students had a great time doing some STEAM activities in Media class last week! Check out Facebook for more pictures!
over 2 years ago, Devon Curry
Mrs. Wiita's Class in Media
Check the graphic for tomorrow's Homecoming Dress Up Day!
over 2 years ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
HOCO- Tues Spirit Day
The 74th Annual Algona Band Day is coming up on Saturday, October 1st! You can watch the AMS practicing here- Are you a parent or alumni that wants to help with the field show? You can sign up here- You can find out more about the event here-
over 2 years ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Bulldog Paw Club Homecoming Event! #RISE #GoBulldogs
over 2 years ago, Brad Sudol
Reminder- cookie dough orders will be ready to pick up on Wednesday, September 28 from 12:30 - 4:00 in the Bertha Godfrey gym. Thanks for your support!!
over 2 years ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
BG Cookie Dough pick up
Happy birthday to our kindergarten September birthdays! #RISE #GoBulldogs
over 2 years ago, Brad Sudol
Algona's Homecoming will be coming up next week, Sept. 26-30. Each school has dress-up/spirit days which are listed in the graphics. Also, congratulations to the Homecoming Court!
over 2 years ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
HOCO Court
The Kindergarten students had a great time dressing up as their favorite nursery rhyme characters on Friday! It was so fun to see what they came up with! They also did a Humpty Dumpty experiment trying to see what kind of padding would help him not crack.
over 2 years ago, Devon Curry
Humpty Dumpty experiment
Mrs. Wiita's Class
Mrs. Wiita's Class
Reminder- No School Wednesday, Sept. 21st for Professional Development.
over 2 years ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
No School
A friendly reminder of expectations for elementary students attending the game this evening! Go Bulldogs!
over 2 years ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Elem FB Expectations
Congratulations to our kindergarten Bulldogs Heroes! #RISE #GoBulldogs
over 2 years ago, Brad Sudol
Homecoming is coming up the week of Sept. 26! Please see the graphics below with important information about Homecoming (Sept. 30) and Spirit Days for the elementary!
over 2 years ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Elem Spirit Days
Elem Hoco Info
Are you ready for the Bulldog Paw Club - Elementary Boosters! Check out our Year in Review Paw Prints in attachment. We have so many great things coming your way soon. Let's start by having you help us by filling out our form here. We will need Executive Officers and Coordinators and are excited to offer some amazing Committee's we need Chairman or Co Chairs. So many options I know you will find a place for you to help us in. Get ready for some amazing things happening at our Homecoming Football Game!!! Woo Hoo Thank you all for helping us get this up and running!! Any Questions please email Mandie Studer (515)320-0582
over 2 years ago, Brad Sudol
Reminder- No School on Wednesday, Sept. 21st for Professional Development.
over 2 years ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
No school
Dear Parent/Guardian(s): This month, our school wide theme is skills for learning: listening, focusing attention, using self-talk to stay on-task, and being assertive when asking for help with a learning task. In our morning announcements, we’ll be reminding students of these skills, which help students be successful learners. Second Step lessons teach skills for learning. You’ll be receiving Home Links describing why these skills are important and including fun activities to do with your child to practice them. We hope you enjoy them! Please tell your child’s teacher if you’d like more suggestions about supporting skills for learning at home. Yours in Education, Mr. Sudol
over 2 years ago, Brad Sudol
The Reorganization vote will be taking place tomorrow, Sept. 13th. * visit the website at ** view the video at
over 2 years ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Reorg vote info
Reorg vote precincts
Follow the link to get the PDF with clickable links-
over 2 years ago, ACSD Communications Coordinator
Reorganization vote
Yesterday was International Literacy Day so we wanted to give a quick shout out to our awesome library teacher, Mrs. Vaske!!
over 2 years ago, Devon Curry
Mrs. Vaske reading to students
Mr. Sudol hung out with the preschool kiddos at recess and joined in on the fun! And on the Kindergarten side they have a new "up slide"! Kids love climbing up slides, so to keep it safe we designated one slide to only go up, not down!
over 2 years ago, Devon Curry
Kindergarten "up slide"
Mr. Sudol at preschool recess