Win the Day!
#RISE #GoBulldogs
Reminder- there is no school on Wednesday!
The Prep Kindergarten students got to travel to Whittemore to visit Mrs. Goodman's son, Chief Eric Goodman. He showed them all around the station, loaded Mrs. Goodman up in the ambulance, and taught them all about fire safety!
The 4 year old preschool classes got to make a trip to the Algona Fire Department today! Here's a few pictures from Mrs. Throne's class.
Conferences are taking place Nov. 1 & 3. View the PDF to see a schedule and/or click the link to sign up directly.
View the PDF-
Conf Link-
Conferences are coming up on November 1st and 3rd! Check out this note for more details. Here is the link to sign up for conferences:
Congratulations to our kindergarten Bulldog Heroes! #RISE #GoBulldogs
We had a busy morning yesterday! Our 4th grade buddies came to visit the preschool and prep friends and our Kindergarten classes got to visit with a few members of the Algona Fire Department! It's Fire Safety Week and we are so thankful for the opportunity to learn from the best!
Happy National School Lunch Week to these fabulous people who serve our needs here at BG!
Reminder- No school on Wednesday, October 19th due to Staff Development.
Thanks to the Algona fire dept for teaching us about fire safety and for showing us the new fire truck!!
Thank you everyone that came out and supported the elementary schools on McTeacher night! #RISE #GoBulldogs
We are so thankful for our food service personnel! Happy National School Lunch Week!
Come out and visit us tonight! #RISE #GoBulldogs
Reminder- tonight is McTeachers Night!
While the bigger kids were at Call Park, Mrs. Curtis' 3 year old friends headed out to Bode Farms to the pumpkin patch!
This month, our school wide theme is empathy. In our morning announcements we’ll be reminding students to have empathy, identify their own and others’ feelings, notice and respect the same and different feelings, and show compassion. Compassion involves saying kind words or doing something helpful to show you care how another person feels. When students can identify, understand, and respond in a caring way to how someone else is feeling, it helps create a positive and accepting school climate.
Second Step lessons specifically teach about empathy. You’ll be receiving Home Links describing why empathy is important and including fun activities to do with your child to help him or her identify feelings and practice showing empathy and compassion. We hope you find them helpful.
Please tell your child’s teacher if you have any questions about how you can help your child learn to identify feelings and show empathy and compassion at home.
Yours in Education,
Mr. Sudol
4 year old preschool, Prep, and Kindergarten made trips out to Call Park to meet with our Naturalist friends Billie and Julie! The weather was perfect (although maybe a little chilly) and the kids did awesome! Here are a few pics from Mrs. Wiita's class!
Bulldog Heroes enjoying Pizza Ranch!
Bulldog Heroes enjoyingPizza Ranch!