ACSD has been approved for a Summer Food Service Program for the month of June! Meals will be FREE for students. Find out more by viewing the images or links provided.
Clarification- tonight's scheduling meeting is for parents of currently 6-11th graders. Students do not need to attend.
Reminder! Tonight there is a meeting at 5:30pm for parents with current 6-11th graders regarding scheduling for next year in the Wilcox PAC. This includes uploading items like concussion & physical forms. Attendance is highly encouraged!
View PDF-
College Decision Day is an annual event at AHS where the senior class presents their future plans to the rest of the student body- whether that be post secondary education, military or entering the workforce. Congratulations seniors!
This week is Teacher Appreciation Week and each day we’d like to highlight a different building of teachers. Today we’d like to thank the teachers at the High School for preparing our students for the next phase of their lives. Thank you!
On Mon, May 13 at 5:30pm in the Wilcox PAC, Mr. Jacobson will be holding a meeting regarding our new scheduling platform & what that means for parents & students. This includes uploading items like concussion & physical forms. Attendance is encouraged!
May is Mental Health Awareness Month!
Check out these tshirts & hoodies that have been designed by a student at AMS and are available for purchase through Threads!
Orders due Friday!!
Since 1972, National School Nurse Day has been set aside to recognize school nurses.
National School Nurse Day was established to foster a better understanding of the role of school nurses in the educational setting. Thank you to our team for the work they do for our students!
Last Friday our band & choir had outstanding performances at State Large Group Festival! Each ensemble was evaluated by three judges & a ballot was worth 40 points. The choir earned scores of 40, 39, & 38! The band earned three perfect scores- 40, 40, 40! Congratulations!
Please join us for the AHS Spring Concert & Awards on Tuesday, May 7 at 7:30 PM in the Wilcox PAC.
Last week Friday was School Lunch Hero Day! The ACSD would like to thank all of our food service staff for the outstanding job they do each and every day to provide our students with the nourishment they need to be healthy and successful! You are truly heroes to our kids!
On Friday, May 3 Algona will host the IHSMA Large Group Festival. Bands and choirs from across the region will perform. The AHS Choir will perform in the MS gym at 7:45pm & the AHS Band will perform at 9:15pm in the Wilcox PAC. The public is welcome to attend all performances! Please see the graphic or PDF for more information.
On Wednesday, May 1st the official groundbreaking as held for the Fieldhouse! Thank you to those community members who participated!
Football Cheerleading tryouts for interested 8-11th graders are coming up soon! Check out the graphic or the PDF to learn more.
On April 18, all students at ACSD were able to attend an assembly with Grammy winning artist, SaulPaul. Please enjoy this recap video of his visit!
Don't miss your last opportunity to watch the AHS Spring Play, "The Internet is a Distract- Oh Look A Kitten!" at 2pm at the Wilcox PAC. Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for students.
Don't miss your opportunity to watch opening night of the Spring Play, "The Internet is a Ditstract- Oh Look A Kitten!" at 7pm at the Wilcox PAC. Tickets are $8 for adults and $5 for students.
You're invited to the Fieldhouse Groundbreaking ceremony on May 1st at noon at the project site (former softball field). We hope to see you there!
This weekend the AHS Drama Department will present "The Internet is Distract-OH LOOK A KITTEN!" at the Wilcox PAC. Shows are Saturday (4/27) at 7:00pm and Sunday (4/28) at 2:00pm. Admission is $8 for adults and $5 for students. Please come and support a great cast!
The glasses pictured were recently left on Bus 24. If they are yours, please contact Bryant Elementary.