Ace Kruse cooking competition 2022

FCCLA is a fantastic organization with lots to offer, such as leadership activities, guest speakers, and much more. Students who are interested in FCCLA at Algona get to participate in loads of enjoyable activities and learn more about important subjects. Any student wishing to get active both inside and outside of the classroom while also learning life skills that will benefit them in the future should consider joining FCCLA.

At AHS, FCCLA members took part in a trip to Des Moines on November 2nd for a fall leadership rally. Ace Kruse, one of the team members, participated in a cooking contest while there. Kruse was required to bring his own ingredients to Des Moines for this contest. Kruse was one of four students who participated in this competition from various schools. The participants were required to create a grilled cheese sandwich, and they were judged on them. 

Kruse produced a really unique grilled cheese sandwich. He made a 6-cheese, smoked brisket, parmesan crusted grilled cheese. Kruse made his own compound butter and smoked the brisket himself, which really made his grilled cheese amazing. Lainey Venteicher, who participates in FCCLA, says “He went all out! It was good!” Kruse won the contest after a great competition!