Simon Feucht is this week’s Senior Spotlight. Simon is from Algona, Iowa. He attended Algona for his entire schooling besides for 7th and 8th grade, in which he attended Pella Christian in Pella, Iowa. Simon’s parents are Stacy and Jason Feucht. He has one older sister, Elle Johnson, who went to Iowa State University. Simon enjoys sleeping, shooting hoops, and hanging with the boys in his free time.
At AHS, Simon keeps busy with sports. Simon was a manager for the football team this year. He also plays basketball and golf. Besides sports, he is also involved in the Student Senate at AHS.
Simon’s favorite moment while at AHS came during his junior year when his grade won Superstars. His favorite teacher is Mr. Stein because they talk about Pokémon. His favorite class was World War II because he loves to learn about history and wars. Simon’s advice for future students is: “Try something new, like sports, art, or academic activities, because it might open a door for you in the future.”
After graduating in the spring of 2023, Simon plans on going to Iowa State University and majoring in business finance.