The 2022 Algona High School girls’ wrestling team kicked off their season on Monday, October 31. The team consists of 15 girls total, with six returning wrestlers. This year, AHS has partnered with North Iowa High School and North Union High School to create a team full of great competitors. Led by head coach Jacob Adams and assistant coach Nikki Roof, the girls are ready to dominate another season.
Girls’ wrestling was introduced to AHS as a club sport in 2019. In their first season, 11 girls participated in wrestling and eight of the team’s members attended the girls’ State wrestling tournament. AHS alumni, Sophie Degner, placed 7th in her weight class in 2019 and still remains Algona’s only girl to place at State wrestling, placing in the top eight for three consecutive years!
This year marks a historic milestone for girls’ wrestling. As of January 22, 2022, wrestling is an officially sanctioned Iowa Girls High School Athletic Union sport. Iowa has held a state tournament for girls’ wrestling for the past four years, but this year will mark the first time girls’ wrestling will be recognized as an official sport at the state level.
In order to qualify for State, wrestlers must compete in Super Regionals. Each high school is assigned to one of four locations where Super Regionals are held. Here they will compete against 20-30 other high schools, rather than only 4-5 other teams like a regular Regional meet. Based on their performance at Super Regionals, an undetermined amount of girls will advance to the State tournament. This year, the State wrestling tournament will be held on February second and third.
Senior, Eliza Schultz, states, “I love wrestling so much. It has taught me some great life lessons.” Good luck to the girls’ wrestling team as they start their 2022-2023 season in Fort Dodge on November 17!