The students of Algona High School have a great opportunity to learn about life past high school by meeting with college representatives. Representatives from a variety of colleges, all around Iowa, come to AHS throughout the school year. In these meetings, you can learn about that specific college, what they have to offer, and learn what college life there will be like, not just classes but also life on campus.
To join one of these visits, you can talk to the counselors in the office, or there is a form on Google Classroom to sign up. On that form you can also select which college representative you’d like to see.
So far this year, many representatives have come and there are more scheduled in the future. On Thursday, September 22, a representative from Iowa Central Community College was here at 9:00 AM. Also, at 9:30, a representative from the University of Iowa shared their experiences. There have been a couple more, but that is just a couple to list off.
In this month of October, there are more representatives coming, including NIACC on October 10th, and on October 11th there are two representatives coming from Elsworth and the University of Northern Iowa.
By going to these meetings, the students are able to learn more about what you could possibly do after high school.