On April 9th and 10th, the Algona High School Drama department performed an outstanding play, Lend Me a Tenor. This star studded cast included: Seth Walker playing Max, Shea Thilges as Maggie, Riker Brindley as Saunders, Dane Nygaard as Tito Merelli, Loralei Brady as Maria, Jacob Schutter as the bellhop, Kylie Skow as Diana, and Hannah Severson as Julia.
This play is about Tito, a famous tenor, starring in an opera at a struggling theater. Before the big performance, he gets mixed up with some tranquilizers, as his wife and theater producers try to get him relaxed and ready for his performance. Adding to his stress, his wife is angry with him and wants to leave him. The note she left him is mistaken for a suicide note, and Max and Saunders must figure out how to make the show go on. At first Max joked about taking his spot in the opera, but as Saunders finally agrees to this, Max has second thoughts about performing. Max finally decides to take Tito’s spot in the opera to fool the crowd. After the first act, Max does really well. However, Tito wakes up for the second act and gets ready to perform. This creates quite a confusion, as there are now two Tito Mereliis with women falling for both and people wanting their attention. “It was a fun show, I laughed a lot,” Mrs. Spear said about the play.
To help create a such great show, there must be an excellent crew: Wren Menke, Wyatt Struecker, Harsh Modi, Faith Huber, Kinnick Sullivan, Rachel Klemm, Samuel Till, Paige Vileta, Carson Olmstead, Camila Campuzano, Aleena Rosacker, Evan Posey, Samantha Frambach, Remi Shaffer, and Madi Adams. The play was directed by Mrs. Zuetlau.
Great work to all who participated!