College Fair 2022

The College Fair was held on March 3rd, 2022, in the Algona gym. There were 47 colleges and the military present, representing their organizations. The schools ranged from two year schools, like Iowa Lakes, all of the way to universities, like Iowa State University, to some out of state colleges, like South Dakota School of Mines in Rapid City, South Dakota. The farthest representative drove over six hours. 

This event was not able to be held the last two years because of Covid, but this year the counselors from Algona were more than excited to start this activity back up. Mrs. Stein said, “I think the students benefited from the experience of meeting face to face with college representatives, and with such a large variety of colleges.” 

The leadership class gave the representatives a warm Algona welcome and took them around the school and ended in the gym, where they were set up at their assigned tables. At 1:30, the fair started. The counselors invited other high schools to this event. About 70 kids from Emmetsburg came, along with the whole Garrigan junior class. Also, from AHS, all of the sophomores and juniors got the chance to attend. This event had over 350 students attend!