The freshman, sophomore, and junior advisories have decided to try and find ways to give back to our community. The advisories all kick started this event by watching a motivational speech on what excellence is. They then did a class discussion on what excellence means to them and where they have seen excellence in our school. AHS pushes excellence by always reminding us with the RISE mantra. We know that excellence is not just in our school, so they decided to brainstorm ideas to bring excellence everywhere in our community. A few of the ideas that have been mentioned are clothing donations, food donations, book donations, and even picking up trash!
Mr. Weier’s advisory has decided to have each person bring in an Algona Bulldog t-shirt that they don’t wear anymore and give them to the ELL program for new students to have a Bulldog t-shirt when they join our school. Senor Verde loves the idea for the Give Back Day and says, ”I think the Give Back Day is a very good opportunity for all of us to do something different. Many times we are very busy and have a lot of things to do, we don’t always remember to help others.”
The Give Back Day is a very fun and unique experience that AHS advisories are doing to show excellence!