Whoopcoming is a week, similar to Homecoming, to celebrate the wrestling and basketball seasons. Whoopcoming was held January 17 through January 21, 2022, because both basketball and wrestling had home events that week.
There were dress up days for Monday through Friday of Whoopcoming. Monday was Dress Like a Staff Member Day. Jacob Schutter and Mr. Worsfold looked exactly alike in their blue quarter-zip shirts. Tuesday was Jersey Day, and there were a variety of types of jerseys. Wednesday was Movie/TV Character Day. Thursday was Holiday Day, where students could pick their favorite holiday to dress up for. Friday was Spirit Day.
On Friday, the Student Senate planned a 3 point contest after the Varsity boys’ basketball game. The winner for the 3 point contest was Garrett Goche. Coming in second was a tie between Caden Weber and Lillian Etherington. In fourth was a tie between Harrison Waltz and Landon Welp. In sixth was a three-way tie between Alex Manske, Simon Feucht, and Luke Poeppe. And rounding out the top ten was Daniel Kemna in ninth, and John Cox in tenth.
Thank you for participating in Whoopcoming and keep going to the basketball games and wrestling meets as they are almost to the end of their seasons.