Going to college is something some people choose to do. You can go for many different majors. Whether you go to a four year or a two year college, all have lots of classes and activities offered. Sometimes athletes go and play sports in college. Playing sports in high school and playing college sports are different, but they still are very fun.
Maddie Nevitt is a senior at Algona High School. Nevitt is a good student and is involved in many different school activities. One big part of Nevitt’s high school life is being a part of the Algona dance team as well as the Algona cheer teams. She loves cheerleading so much that she has decided to do it in college next year. Nevitt was on the hunt to find the right school for her.
Looking long and hard for the right place to call home for the next four years, she has found her place. Nevitt will be going to Grand View University next fall. Here she will be cheering loud and proud as a Viking. She plans to major in nursing for her bachelor of science degree in nursing, which is a four year program. Nevitt made it official on Saturday, December 11th, when she signed, committing to participate in Grand View’s cheerleading program. Nevitt says, “I am excited to continue to cheer and to grow my abilities in cheerleading.”
Algona High School is so very proud of Maddie and thankful that she has shared her talents with us for the last four years. We can't wait to see how it turns out for her. Good luck to Maddie on her next steps!