Semester test schedule fall 2021

Semester tests are right around the corner. Semester tests will be held on Monday, December 20th, Tuesday, the 21st, and Wednesday, the 22nd. 

On Monday and Tuesday, the first testing times are from 8:45 to 10:04, for periods 1 and 2. The second test starts at 10:08 and ends at 11:27, for periods 3 and 4. The third test is from 11:31 until 1:33, for periods 5 and 6. And the last test is from 1:37 until 2:57, for periods 7 and 8. 

Wednesday, December 23rd, the makeup times will be held. Time slots for these tests are from 8:45 to 9:45, 9:50 to 10:50, 10:55 to 11:55, and 1:05 to 2:05. Students have to pre-arrange these makeup testing times with teachers, you can’t just opt that time instead of your assigned time. 

Semester tests are worth 20% of your first semester grade. The other part of your grade is 40% for quarter one and 40% for quarter two. 

The open times on all three days are for study time. So on Monday and Tuesday, from 8:15 to 8:45 and then again from 3:00-3:25 are study times in teacher classrooms or the commons. On Wednesday, just 8:15-8:45 is the assigned study time as school dismisses early that day for break. 

Be sure to study for these tests and prepare as this will be the end of your first semester grade.