An eclipse is a global-wide event, whether it be a solar or lunar eclipse. A solar eclipse is when a portion of the Earth is covered in a shadow cast by the moon, which fully or partially blocks the sun. This happens when the sun, moon, and Earth are aligned. A lunar eclipse, commonly called a blood moon, happens when the moon moves into the Earth's shadow.
Four eclipses are set to happen in the next year, two solar and two lunar eclipses. The first of the three is a solar eclipse that is set to happen on April 30, at 6:45 PM. It will only be visible in the southern region of South America. The second eclipse is a lunar eclipse set to happen on May 15-16 and will be at its brightest point at 11:28 PM. It will only be visible in the Americas and the western parts of Africa and Europe. The third eclipse is a solar eclipse, set to take place on October 25, at 11:00 PM. In Europe and the North-Eastern parts of Africa, the eclipse will be able to be seen. The final eclipse is a lunar eclipse set to take place on December 8, at 4:59 AM. This eclipse will be visible to Asia, Europe, and North, and South America.
Since these are such rare occurrences, mark your calendars for a time to see these beautiful natural events!