On Wednesday, November 10th, 31 students from AHS, 10 from construction class with Mr. Birkey and 21 from auto class with Mr. Ricklefs, toured Redings Gravel and Excavating in Algona. The field trip lasted two hours.
The field trip started off tasty for the construction students in the morning, as they got to enjoy Daylight Donuts, provided by Redings. The auto students got the same tour, just starting in the afternoon.
To start off the tour, students got to learn about what the sixty Redings employees do on a typical day. They listened to the background of the Redings company from owner Chuck Reding. Then his son, John, a construction manager, discussed what his job looks like. Six employee speakers then talked about what they do at their jobs and how they spend their time wisely.
After listening to the different employees, the students went outside, where a trailer was brought in by a CAT dealership. In this trailer were three CAT simulations: a bulldozer, excavator, and pay loader. Students were able to sit in the seat and virtually drive these large pieces of equipment. Students also got a tour around the shop. Redings has around 800 pieces of equipment. Mr. Birkey said, “It was a great day. The students had a lot of fun.” Mr. Ricklefs added, “It was awesome. Some students are seriously looking forward to a job there.”
Students can start working at Redings right out of high school, without a college degree. However, with a degree, you can get an even higher paying job. Jobs range from digging trenches to operating machinery to a diesel technician, all of the way up to a project manager.
Overall, all students who went enjoyed the opportunity to learn about a good career choice for their future right here in Algona.