College Application Week is very important for people wanting to apply to college. This week is designed to help students and families fill out their college application forms. The goal of doing this is to raise the number of students who attend college after high school.
This opportunity does not just go on for a week, it is designed to go on for the months of September and October. If you apply during this time frame, some colleges have waived the application fee.
If you are seeking help with filling out the application for the college of your choice, see one of the guidance counselors for assistance. Hundreds of students around the country use this week to their advantage, by getting help applying for college by their school district.
At AHS, this week is being celebrated on October 18th through the 22nd. Counselors will be helping AHS seniors apply to the college of their choice. During advisory time, students will get to learn more about different colleges and have the chance to research colleges, take virtual tours, and look into areas of interest. They will also watch videos on colleges, current AHS alumni who are at various colleges, and faculty reasons why they went to college. There will also be a Kahoot game to see how well you know the college stories of AHS teachers. Please wear a college shirt of somewhere you are interested in on Thursday, October 21st. Pictures will be taken of the different grades to see which school has the most interest.
If college is in your future, this is a good week to learn more about the different colleges and take that next step by applying.