Algona’s volleyball season is half way done, but the girls are still fighting and playing hard. Homecoming week was a fun week for the girls. They might not have had a home game, but they got to play a lot.
They traveled to Clarion-Goldfield on Tuesday, September 21st, for a triangular. They played Pocahontas and went 1-2 and then played Clarion-Goldfield-Dows and also went 1-2.
The volleyball girls then traveled to Clear Lake on Thursday, September 23rd. Here they put up a great fight, pushing it to five games, but they came up just two points short in the last game. They lost 2-3. One big highlight of the night was that Lillian Etherington had 41 assists and four blocks. Another great highlight Maddie Rahe had 29 digs.
Then on Saturday, September 25th, the Algona Bulldogs were at it again with their second to last tournament. The Bulldogs traveled to Boone and played against Ankeny 0-2, Ames 2-0, Waverly 0-2, Boone 2-0, Forest City 0-2, and Clarion Goldfield Dows 2-1. The Bulldogs played some very hard teams, but they fought hard. Senior player, Sophie Degner, states, “We had a great time. There were some ups and downs, but we always pull through together as a team.”
The girls have had a week off this week. Their next match is on Thursday, October 7th, at Humboldt.