As the end of the year gets closer, with 3 days for the seniors and 16 for freshmen through juniors, many groups of people at AHS have prepared different and fun activities for everyone.
One new fun event that is getting added this year is a concert. At this concert, some of AHS’s talented singers and musicians are going to show off their talents. This concert will be held in the PAC on Monday, May 17th at 7:00.
In the past, AHS Student Senate has put together an awards ceremony, called the Algonies. The name was originally taken from The Office awards called the Dundies. The awards are for almost anything from best smile to best dressed. There are many different categories for students and one category for teachers. For each award, there is someone from each grade who is nominated to win the awards. The categories are currently selected but kept secret until the day of the ceremony.
Another recognition that takes place towards the end of the year is College Decision Day. This is where all of the seniors get recognized for what their plans for next year are.
After all of that is done, an end of the year video, that is put together by the AHS broadcasting classes, is presented. This highlights all of the fun events that have happened at AHS throughout the year. Be sure you don’t miss out on it Wednesday afternoon!