This week's senior spotlight is Hunter Berry. Berry has been at Algona Community School District since 7th grade. Throughout his time at Algona schools, Berry has been involved in cross country, football, wrestling, and National Honor Society. Outside of school, he can often be seen lifting, hanging with friends, and driving around.
He is also in the Iowa Army National Guard. He said he joined to follow in his dad's footsteps, for honor, and to pay for his college education. Berry went to basic training last year in Missouri. This summer he will be going to Virginia for his Advanced Individual Training, AIT. After his summer of AIT, he will be attending Iowa State University to major in business.
At Iowa State, Berry plans to get involved in intramurals, continue to lift, and join the college life by attending games.
Thank you Hunter Berry for your willingness to serve, your contributions to AHS while you’ve been here, and the best of luck to you in your future.