Written by Mara Davis
Last week, on March 18th, the Algona High School Jazz Band competed in the NCIBA Jazz Festival. They performed in the Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake, placing first as a team. There were also a few solo winners from AHS to recognize. Congratulations to David Kissinger, Cassidy Bierstedt, Catherine Hart, and Evan Steburg for their outstanding solo performances. Solo winner, David Kissinger, notes, “Bad bands do the minimum, average bands do what is required, and excellent bands go above and beyond.”
The next jazz band concert will be on March 13th. Stop into the Wilcox Performing Arts Center at 7:00 pm to hear their performance.
Because of their performance at the District competition, the jazz band earned the chance to perform at the Iowa Jazz Championships. This event will take place on April 8th in Ames, Iowa. The jazz band will perform with 60 other bands at the Scheman Building on the Iowa State University campus. The Algona jazz band will compete in the daytime. If they are within the top two bands of their class, they will compete in the evening for the finals.
The Algona High School band’s spring concert is approaching. On Tuesday, March 4th, at 7:00 pm, the band will perform in the Wilcox Performing Arts Center. Band member, Alissa Engel, states, “Mr. Liebl always says, ‘Break the drum, we can always buy a new one.’” Best wishes, band!