Written by Kaden Bormann
On February 11th, several FFA members went to Forest City to compete in five events: Conduct of Meetings with Charli Dodds, Kaden Bormann, Emmet Bormann, Kieden Wingerson, Grady Ruger, Grandon Dahlhauser, and Caden Harms; the FFA Creed with Grace Luitjens; Job Interviews with Morgan Fraker; Public Speaking with Cassidy Bierstedt; and Ag Sales with Ace Studer; Ag Broadcasting with Chris Dodds; and Chapter Program with Tucker Brunsvold and Harold Reynolds.
The results from the 2025 Sub-District competition: Ag Broadcasting - Chris Dodds - Bronze; Ag Sales - Ace Studer - Gold 2nd, advanced to Districts; Chapter Program - Tucker Brusnvold and Harold Reynolds- Bronze, alternate to Districts; Conduct of Meetings - Charli Dodds, Kaden Bormann, Emmet Bormann, Kieden Wingerson, Grady Ruger, Grandon Dahlhauser, and Caden Harms - Bronze; Creed - GraceLuitjens - Silver, alternate to Districts; Job Interview - Morgan Fraker - Gold 1st, advanced to Districts; Public Speaking - Cassidy Bierstedt - Gold, alternate to Districts. Bierstedt states, “It was fun and a great learning experience.”
The North Central District Leadership Events will take place Saturday, March 1st, at Charles City High School.
The FFA Chapter is celebrating FFA week from Saturday, February 15th, to Saturday, February 22nd. Monday, February 17th, is a no school day, but will be a cherry pie feed for the staff at Algona High School, giving the officers the opportunity to thank the staff for their ongoing support. Tuesday, February 18th, they celebrate Blue and Gold Day, an occasion to show pride and love for FFA. Wednesday will feature the Ag Olympics in the ag shop, where students will compete to earn points for their respective team in various ag activities. On Thursday, February 20th, students will proudly wear their chapter t-shirts and sweatshirts as a visual testament to their commitment to FFA. Farmer Friday on February 21st will have members embracing their agricultural roots by sporting their favorite flannel or farmer clothing.