Written by Gabby Venteicher
The Algona FCCLA chapter celebrated National FCCLA week from February 10th through the 12th. Algona started their chapter in 2020 with 16 members. It has thrived since, now with a total of 25 members. Throughout the week, FCCLA did many activities and a fundraiser to celebrate.
They started out the week with Member Monday. The FCCLA chapter recognized their state and local members for all of their time and dedication put into the club.
On Tuesday, the FCCLA chapter celebrated Service Day in which they went to nursing homes and delivered Valentines cards. Madi Adams said, “I enjoyed visiting the nursing home and chatting with the residents.”
Wednesday was National Advisor Day. The FCCLA chapter celebrated high school FCS teacher Shelly Louwagie and middle school FCS teacher Courtney Strohman.
On Thursday, the chapter celebrated Alumni Day. This was the first year they were able to celebrate it because the Algona FCCLA chapter started four years ago. On this day, the members all sent messages to the alumni saying how much they’re missed. The Algona FCCLA alumni include Ashley Cantu, Sydney Sebecker, Faith Zeller, Abby Brooks, and Maggie Wartick.
To finish off the week, the FCCLA members celebrated Spirit Day. Everyone was encouraged to wear red and white, FCCLA colors. They also put on a fundraiser for Valentine’s Day called Crush your Crush in which you buy a Crush soda for your crush. They were then delivered to the person with a note saying who it was from.
Fast forward to March, the Algona FCCLA State members will compete at the State conference in Cedar Rapids from the 23rd- 25th.