Each year, FFA chapters around the country celebrate FFA Week and its impact on members every day. FFA Week was observed February 17th through February 24th. There were many fun activities that happened this week at AHS, like goat yoga, a pancake feed, labor auction, cherry pie feed, Ag Olympics, and a truck show. The week could not be completed without dress up days.
Monday was America Day. A few students wore red, white, and blue. During TAS, Mrs. Becker’s session had goat yoga. The students got to snuggle with some of Reid Louwagie’s baby goats that are only a few weeks old. Also, there were trivia blocks hidden in classrooms throughout the school. Students could start looking for the blocks on Monday, and it goes until today. The blocks have FFA related trivia questions on them. Found blocks go to Mrs. Becker’s classroom and, if answered correctly, students will receive a prize.
Tuesday was Chapter T-shirt Day to show how students are involved in the chapter. In the evening, FFA had their annual pancake feed and labor auction, which was open to the community. The money raised during the pancake feed and labor auction will go towards updating shop equipment, greenhouse updates, and community service projects.
Wednesday, there was no school due to professional development. The current FFA officers served cherry pie to the AHS faculty in appreciation of helping and leading.
Thursday was Blue and Gold Day to show the colors of FFA. The official FFA colors are national blue and corn gold. During TAS, Ag Olympics were held. Some of the games included in this were an egg relay, hay bale toss, and roping. Thank you to Kossuth Farm Bureau for providing our members with pizza during lunch on this day also.
Today was Farmer Flannel Friday. There was also a car show for the students. The categories for the car show were 1999 and older, 1999 and newer, all other vehicles, and work trucks. This is also FFA Recruitment Day. Chapter representatives will engage with eighth graders at Algona Middle School and Bishop Garrigan, sharing the joys and benefits of being part of the FFA community.
Freshman, Ryan Barglof, said, “I was looking forward to the pancake feed because it is a family event.” The president of the Algona FFA chapter, Reid Louwagie, stated, “FFA is super fun.”
Monday, February 26th, will be Drive Your Tractor to School Day. Any interested FFA members will get up early and go eat at AK’s Chrome Kitchen. After eating, they will get a police escort to school in their tractors.