As the winter sports are coming to a wrap, track is right around the corner.
Last year, the boys were the North Central Conference champions. The girls also had a great season, and both the boys and girls brought many runners to State for many different events.
This year, the first practice started on February 19th for both the boys and girls.
The boys’ first meet is the ISU track meet on March 7th, and the girls’ first meet is also at ISU, on the 8th. Both of these meets are select only, meaning only certain qualifying people will attend these meets.
This year, for the girls, there are a total of 15 meets. For the boys, there are a total of 14 meets. There are two co-ed meets taking place at Garrigan and Spirit Lake.
Returning sophomore, Natalie Johnson, says, “I’m excited to see how this season goes. I’m looking forward to having fun at track meets!”
This year, the Drake Relays will be held April 24th through the 27th. The boys’ and girls’ State championships will be held May 16th through the 18th at Drake University.
As the season is coming up, make sure to get ready if you plan on going out!