Students in Algona’s Model UN program have had a busy year. Starting at the beginning of the school year, and lasting until the middle of fall, these students have committed themselves to success in the program.
On September 28, 2023, students traveled to NIACC to compete in the Regional Conference. Students who performed well were chosen as either alternates or outstanding delegates. These alternates or outstanding delegates from AHS are Aleena Rosacker, Camilla Campuzano, Seth Walker, Aidyn Schmitt, Riker Brindley, Flynn McCann, Joseph Struecker, Elijah Garret, Emerson Waltz, and Waverly Espe.
On October 31, 2023, alternates and outstanding delegates traveled to the State Capital building in Des Moines to compete in the State competition. The next day, the rest of the team came down to join them at the competition. They spent all day drafting and debating on resolutions to pass a final paper.
When asked about Model UN, Waverly Espe said, “I learned a lot at Model UN this year.”
After a short break, Model UN will resume in the spring of 2024.