State FFA Convention 2023

Fourteen Algona FFA members attended the 95th Iowa FFA State Leadership Conference in Ames from April 16 to the 18. While there, they did a variety of activities and were recognized for their work throughout the year.

Leaving Algona on Sunday, the students traveled to Ames to stay at a hotel near Iowa State University. After arriving, Jaden Spear attended a recording session to get her presentation ready for the Stars Over Iowa Pageant while the other members had pizza and free time.

On Monday, April 17th, all of the students went to the Chapter Exhibit Observations and got some ideas for events to do next year. They also got to attend some workshops. Reid Louwagie and Morgan Kelly were the voting delegates for the business session. FFA talent was shown through a show on the main stage. During the 1st general session, Algona was recognized for the FFA Foundation Ambassador Award. This award was received by  Reid Louwagie. The students also listened to a retiring address and a keynote speaker before having the CDE leadership results announced. 

State FFA Iowa Degrees 2023

Tuesday was a busy day for the FFA members in attendance. Right away at 8:00, Carlee Allen, Beth Anderson, Lauren Anderson, and Morgan Kelly went to the Farm Business Management CDE. At the same time, Braxton Dahlhauser and Morgan Fraker took the greenhand quiz. Starting at 9:00, the CDE participants gave individual presentations in the Scheman building. Team Ag Sales members from AHS include Ian Fehr, Logan Lentz, Reid Louwagie, and Paige Vileta. Avah Merryman, Kara Rotert, Jacob Schutter, and Ace Studer were also busy during this time in the Poultry Evaluation event. While all of this was going on, the 2nd general session started. Iowa Secretary of Ag, Mike Naig, was a guest speaker. Jaden Spear received the National Chapter award for Algona. 

The 3rd general session started at 12:30. The results of the greenhand quiz were announced; both Dahlhauser and Fraker received silver ratings. Jaden Spear received recognition and a plaque for placing 2nd in the Proficiency Group 4: Small Animal Production & Care. 

During the 4th general session, Iowa degrees were awarded and the Ag Skills CDE results were announced. State Degree recipients from Algona include: Carlee Allen, Beth Anderson, Lauren Anderson, Ian Fehr, Morgan Kelly, Reid Louwagie, Jacob Schutter, and Jaden Spear. Team Ag Sales received a gold rating. The group who did Poultry Evaluation received a silver rating. Farm Business Management received a bronze. In the Supreme National Chapter, the chapter received gold. 

Stars Over Iowa 2023

The Stars Over Iowa Pageant was also held during the 4th general session. Twenty finalists were selected in four different agriculture-related areas: agribusiness, agricultural placement, agricultural production, and agriscience. The top finalists were selected from the 682 FFA members who earned their Iowa FFA Degree. The Star award recognizes students who have developed outstanding agricultural skills and competencies through their career development programs, their SAE project, and demonstrate outstanding management skills. Jaden Spear, from Algona High School, was chosen as one of the Stars Over Iowa, in the agribusiness category. Spear was interviewed on Monday and was recognized on stage with her parents, advisor, Mrs. Becker, and Algona superintendent, Mr. Carter.