May Term this year is happening on the 24th and 25th of May. It is available for all students currently in grades 9-11. The mission of May Term is “To provide an enriching experience to develop life-long skills and interests while building relationships between staff and students.” This year’s term will be held for two full days instead of a morning and an afternoon course for three days like the previous year.
The May term days will be similar to regular school days. It will begin at 8:15, like a regular school day, but it’ll end at approximately 3:00. Lunch is available by the school, for a regular lunch fee, but if you are going to an alternate location, feel free to bring additional money for any other meals or snacks. Not all course options require money, but if your course does have a fee, all fees are due on Friday, May 19th.
There are twenty different May Term course options for students, which offer a wide variety. It ranges from a ninja warrior course with Mrs. Zuetlau to Esports with Mr. Arrowood. Students should have already chosen a May Term course the week of April 10th, but if they need to change it, contact Mrs. Jacobson.