On Tuesday, March 28th, Senior Exit Presentations will take place from 4 pm to 7 pm. Seniors will reflect on their 13 years of schooling and plans for transitioning into the future after high school. This will be presented in front of their advisors and two other teachers through oral presentations or a slide show lasting for 15 minutes.
The presentation topics will include their opinion on the courses that helped them the most, life lessons learned throughout high school, and what high school has meant to them. Seniors will also need to discuss how the last four years have helped prepare them for the future. This can include activities in and out of school, classes, jobs, etc. Another presentation topic will be senior experiences with Xello, as well as whether or not they agree with their results of personality and learning styles and top skills. Lastly, the topics of plans after graduation and where seniors see themselves in five to ten years will conclude the discussion.
Seniors are asked to arrive with updated resumes ten minutes before their scheduled presentation time. They should be dressed appropriately, which can include nice jeans or dress pants (not ripped or saggy) and a nice shirt (refrain from low-cut, tank, or crop tops).
Mrs. Jacobson excitedly states, “I’m excited to hear from seniors about their experiences at AHS!”