It’s that time of the year again. The 2023 track season is starting on Monday, February 20, for the boys and girls. We hope to see some good things this season, such as beating personal records, winning meets, and even having members qualify for the State meet.
There were a lot of successes to end last season, with six girls and two boys qualifying for State.
The girls' 4x800 team consisted of Andi Jensen, Kaitlyn Burns, Lauren McLaughlin, and Malyin Davis. They qualified for State and placed 23rd. Jensen also qualified for 400 hurdles and placed 20th. A’Lailah Perry qualified for the 2022 State meet in the discus and shot put and placed 9th in the shot. Moriah Knapp qualified for the 3000m and placed 6th at the State meet.
For the boys, Caden Weber and Jaxon Woodyard both qualified last year for the State meet. Weber qualified in the 800m and placed 18th while Woodyard qualified in the shot put and placed 7th.
The girls will start the season with some members competing at the University of Northern Iowa Dome on Monday, March 6. The first meet with all team members will be away, at the Humboldt Recreation Center, on Thursday, March 16. Ella Lawson, a senior on the girls’ track team, states, “I am excited for this season to start.“
The boys have their first meet on Friday, March 17, at the Humboldt Recreation Center.
Good luck to everyone in the track 2023 season!