Large group speech at AHS closed out their competition season this past week. After qualifying with the highest possible ratings of Division I’s at Regionals, short film, one act, and reader’s theater moved on to the next stage, Districts. The District competition resulted in all three groups getting Division I’s, but in order to move on to All State, a judge’s recommendation was required, which none of the groups unfortunately received.
Now that large group is over and done, it sparks the beginning of the individual speech season. Individual speech has the same premise as large group speech but students have more options and variety in topics. Although some categories remain the same, such as musical theater and improv, they must perform on their own.
On Saturday, February 25th, individual speech qualifiers are being hosted in Okoboji. Students must receive a Division I rating on their act or topic to move on to the next round. Faith Huber says, “Woo hoo speech,” when asked about her thoughts on individual speech.