Algona CSD Families,
Our winter has certainly proved to be a challenge up to this point! As of January 11th, we have missed 5 full school days and have had late starts or early outs on 5 other days. In total we have missed 44.5 hours of school. Students are required to attend 1080 hours of school per year. At this point, we are on pace to accumulate 1075.2 hours (we are 4.8 short). As a result, February 22nd will now be a school day with students and we will dismiss at 1:30 for professional development. May 25th will also now be a student school day (dismissing at 11:30 if it is the last day of school). If we were to miss any more school due to inclement weather, May 26th would also become a student school day. If we would continue to miss more school, March 15th and April 19th could also be added as student school days.
I want to again thank all of your for your patience and understanding. I know that snow days and changes in our calendar can cause a great deal of stress and frustration.
Thank you for your support!
Joe Carter -- Superintendent