Trysta Penning

Trysta Penning is known throughout the school as a very open and honest person. Trysta is always open to talk to anyone and everyone, which makes having her here at AHS a great addition to the school. 

Trysta was born in Algona and has lived here her entire life. Her parents are Greg and Michelle Penning. Trysta also has one sister, Taylor, who is a freshman. 

Growing up, Trysta participated in swim team yearly, which ultimately led to her joining the swim team in high school. Trysta was a part of the golf team both her freshman and now senior year. She has also been involved in Student Senate off and on throughout the years. Her favorite class in school is biology because she has Mr.Young as a teacher. Outside of school she works at the YMCA as a lifeguard, cleans her dad’s business office, and used to manage a local print shop. Her hobbies include driving around, hanging out with Violet, eating cheese, even though she is lactose intolerant, and finding random cats on the side of the road. 

After high school, Trysta plans to attend UNI. She is going to major in  accounting. She was going to major in biology, but she had an epiphany in a dream that she wasn’t going to get into medical school. Trysta then called UNI and they told her about the option of switching her major to accounting, which she then did. She stated, “I am so excited to further my education at UNI with Ruby.”

Trysta’s spunky personality adds to the fun variety at Algona. People like Trysta are ones you’ll never forget. Anyone who knows Trysta knows that she is a genuine person and her future is very bright, no matter what she does. If you see Trysta in the halls, make sure to say hi before graduation!