FFA officers 2024-2025

Written by Taevyn Zinnel

The annual FFA Banquet will take place on Sunday, March 30th, in the PAC, at 4:00. The banquet will consist of the induction of the new officers, an award ceremony, and scholarship recognition. A steak dinner will be held at the conclusion of the banquet in the AHS commons. 

First, awards will be given to current FFA members. Awards include Greenhand degree, Chapter degrees, State degrees, scholastic awards, chapter member award, Blue and Gold award, and many more.

Next, the new officers for the 2025-2026 year will be installed into their positions. The new president will be Malea Divis. Taking over the vice president role will be Cassidy Bierstedt. Alissa Engel will be the secretary. Charli Dodds is the new reporter. Walker Eilerts earned the treasurer’s position. Grace Luitjens wraps up the positions, taking over the sentinel role. 

 Also at the banquet, scholarships will be presented to FFA seniors pursuing a degree in an agriculture-related field.

The banquet is a nice time to recognize the FFA members for all that they do throughout the year.