Superstars 2024

Written by Maci Mallory

AHS Superstars is right around the corner. The students signed up for the activities they are interested in on Friday, March 14th, during advisory. 

Each grade will dress up in their class color to compete on Wednesday, March 26th. Seniors wear black, juniors wear red, sophomores wear blue, and freshmen wear white. Students must be wearing their class color in order to earn points for their grade. Last year’s winners were seniors of 2024 in 1st place, juniors in 2nd place, freshmen in 3rd place, and sophomores in 4th place. Since the winners have graduated, a new champion will be crowned this year. Before the fun games begin, the newly hired teachers will come together and perform a skit for AHS centered around the theme: Against All Odds. 

Superstars is a great way to work as a grade and score as many points as possible to beat the other grades. There are many events to choose from. The first event of the day is dodgeball, scheduled at 12:00. This is an event that everyone is able to participate in; there is no sign up required. It will be seniors versus freshman, juniors versus sophomores, winners versus winners, and losers versus losers. Also at 12:00 there will be an option to compete in the quiz bowl trivia tournament in Mr. Stein's room. 

From 12:00 until 1:30 there will be drop in events for students who are not signed up for events. This includes chess, checkers, ping pong, UNO, fencing, and more. At 12:45 will be the first session of sign up events. These events include arm wrestling, cornhole, pickleball, rubik’s cube, ledgeball, steal the bacon, and putting. 

The second session of sign up events will be at 1:15; the human ladder, chipping, euchre, truck push, crab soccer, spikeball, and weird shuttle relay will be available to compete in. After the first and second sessions are done, the different groups will perform in the talent show. Their performance must be under three minutes or they will get THE GONG! There can be up to two talents per grade. Senior, Caitlin Louscher, says, “I am excited to hear Jack and Owen sing.” 

After the talent show, the third session of sign up events will begin, which includes limbo, tire bridge, three point contest, and musical chairs. 

At 3:00, teams from each grade will play hungry hippos, where they will try to pick up as many balls as possible while riding scooters. The final event will be a tug of war competition. Each person can sign up for one of the following: boys, girls, or co-ed. 

Good luck to all grades competing, and remember to have good sportsmanship throughout the day.