Written by Kaden Bormann
Speech had individual contest on Saturday, March 1st, in Fort Dodge. AHS students who competed in individual speech were Flynn McCann, Catherine Hart, Grace Luitjens, Elijah Garrett, Braxton Whitacre, and Connor Reagan. Events they competed in were musical theater, acting, story telling, literature program, expository address, improv, and radio announcing. Grace Luitjens says, “It was a lot of fun and I met new people.”
Those who received a Division I rating at Districts advance to State. AHS had two people receiving Division II ratings and three receiving Division I ratings. Flynn McCann will go on to the State competition for radio announcing, and Catherine Hart and Elijah Garrett will be performing in musical theatre.
State Speech takes place on Saturday, March 15th, at Woodbury Central school in Moville, Iowa.
The theater and speech program is not slowing down! There have also been auditions for spring play, Leaving Iowa, which will be performed on May 3rd and 4th.