Special Olympics is an amazing sports organization that holds competitions for special needs athletes to compete in and have fun. Five million Special Olympics athletes, aged 8 and up, train and participate year round in different sporting events.
On Thursday, April 13th, the District Special Olympics Track and Field event was held at Okoboji High School. All who attend this event from Algona High School competed in the softball throw. Ryder Schultz, Katelyn
Ortloff, and Emma Lucas all got placed first, and Alex Romero Foust and Gaje Petersen got second place.
This track and field event was Algona’s last Special Olympics event of the school year, but they are already looking forward to next year. Joe Taylor, Special Olympics advisor, states, “It’s been a great year for Special Olympics athletes. We’re excited to have the program available to the students and are looking forward to the competitions and events of next year.”